Roman features at Abbey Works, Bleachfield Street, Alcester

Description of this historic site

A road, hearth, metalworking slag, pits, postholes, gullies, beam slots, ditches,a well, and foundations of stone buildings were recorded during evaluation and subsequent excavation at the former Abbey Works, Bleachfield Street, Alcester. Finds included: pottery, amphora, bone, metal objects including jewellery and glass.

Notes about this historic site

1 The excavation of trial trenches at Abbey Works, Bleachfield Street, Alcester recorded a number of features associated with Roman occupation of the site including a hearth with metalworking slag, 1st – 4th century pottery, amphora, bone and metal pins and a number of features such as postholes, pits and gullies. There is also mention in the report of a road aligned N-S.
2 During a subsequent excavation in 2005, four phases of human activity in the Roman era were identified. Phase 1 dated to the late 1st/early 2nd century AD. Features of this included beam slots, ditches and postholes with the possibility that these formed the south west corner of a Roman military fort. Phase 2 showed a clay deposit covering the Phase 1 features, indicating the abandonment of the fort although a well was re-cut and housed in a structure during this period. Phase 3 included stone walls and a stone flag-lined shallow pit (possibly a tank or water cistern), as well as clay post pads forming a rectangular building with an apsidal end. Phase 4 was the apparent end of Roman occupation – a dark soil layer with mid 4th century pottery sealed the site. However some Roman finds appeared to post-date this layer, as did a concentration of inhumation burials and two cremation urns.

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