Two large Roman post-holes, off Priory Road, Alcester

Description of this historic site

Two sub-oval pits or postholes were recorded during archaeological work at the former Police Station, Priory Road, Alcester. They were Roman in date, and probably relate to a series of timber buildings previously identified across this area.

Notes about this historic site

1 Two sub-oval pits or posthole features were recorded during archaeological work at the former Police Station, Priory Road, Alcester. They were Roman in date. The presence of large stones within the fill of these features were interpreted as packing stones for substantial posts. The pottery recovered from these features was of mid 1st-2nd century date. The two posthoiles are comparable with the clusters of postholes identified to the east in 1938 (MWA488). They are therefore interpreted as part of the construction and probable re-construction of timber buildings in the vicinity in the mid 1st-2nd century. The level of truncation, associated with development and landscaping in the 1960s was considered to be high.

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