Excavation of Roman Settlement at Wasperton

Description of this historic site

Excavation discovered the site of a Roman settlement which was identified from enclosures, pits, ditches and a possible building. Ten ovens and two wells were uncovered. Roman pottery was also discovered. The site is located south of Wasperton.

Notes about this historic site

1 A Roman settlement excavated between 1980 and 1985 in advance of gravel extraction. This was concentrated in a band which ran across the centre of Field 1. Other features occurred sporadically across the area of excavation – these included a semicircle of pits in the SW corner of Field 1, an outlier of which contained an inscribed stone, a corn drying oven in Field 2 and a field system in Field 3. The main settlement area comprised a series of interlocking rectangular enclosures. At the SW corner an area was chosen for detailed examination and revealed numerous boundary ditches and ten ovens. Post bases were also recorded, but no traces of substantial buildings. `Belgic’ pottery and pottery of 1st century to 4th century date was found. At the N extent of the settlement two wells were found. To the SE an enclosure with a possible corn drying oven and possible building was excavated and numerous querns discovered. Two dumps of charred material were associated.
1 /Desc Text /GC / /BUFAU /Wasperton 1 / /WMBFI 1845 /Y /
2 /Desc Text / / /DoE /AM7 / /WMBFI 1845 /N /
3 /AP Plot / / /RCHM / / /WMB /Y /
4 /Plan / / /BUFAU / / /WMBFI 1845 /Y /
5 /Desc Text / /1983 /DoE /SAM Local Plan /3 /WMB /Y /
6 /Desc Text /NJP /1982 /Britannia /vol 13 /p361 /WMB /Y /
7 /Desc Text /NJP /1984 /Britannia /vol 15 /p296 /WMB /Y /
8 Fifty seven coins and a bronze rim sherd were found ” in the backfilled quarry” in, or before 1997.
9 Field ploughed in January 1978 and very small quantities of RB ware found, including Severn Valley and imitation Samian.
10 List of coins found.
11 Environmental report.

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