Medieval Buildings, Abbey Fields, Kenilworth

Description of this historic site

Rescue excavation in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth revealed evidence of buildings dating from the Medieval period.

Notes about this historic site

1 In Februaruy 1989 stonework was uncovered by contractors machining a new pipeline easement across Abbey Fields. Rescue excavation revealed 3 buildings of 12th – 13th century date, which were largely abandoned during the 14th century. They may have been part of the mill buildings (WA 3207), however they could also be a gatehouse complex due to their location adjacent to an old trackway and bridge. They may have also served an agricultural function.
2 Geophysical survey in 1997 over the area of excavation. The survey appears to show a substantial spread of rubble, but has not clarified the size or even the shape of excavated structures.
3 The site is within the Scheduled area of the SAM of Kenilworth Abbey (Monument Number 35115).
4 Monitoring of a test-pit to the south of the 1989 excavations recorded a sandstone wall foundation, of probable medieval alignment, on the same alignment as walls to the north. Due to the limited nature of investigations, little further could be said about the wall fragment.

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