Deserted Medieval Settlement at Dassett Southend

Description of this historic site

The site of a Medieval deserted settlement at Dassett Southend. The settlement was excavated and the first buildings on the site date from the 13th century. The site was located 100m north west of the chapel at Little Dassett.

Notes about this historic site

1 Excavation in advance of destruction by the M40. The main part of the excavation covers a row of buildings along the N side of a street, running E-W on the line of the modern road. The name of the street may have been ‘Newlands’. The properties on which the buildings sat were a series of regular N-S strips each c20M wide. Parts of 5 properties have been examined so far and in each case occupation seems to begin in the later 13th century. This, combined with the street name, suggests that this was a planned development associated with the establishment of the market. Moving E towards the chapel the density of buildings increases. Each property contained a building and a number of these properties also had barns. The excavation has produced large quantities of pottery, animal bone, roof tiles and many other objects including strap-ends, belt buckles, decorative studs etc, knives, spoons, keys, thimbles, pins, whetstones, millstones.
2 Plan.
3 Interim excavation report.
4 Fieldwalking in the area to the north-west of the Medieval settlement produced Medieval finds ranging in date from the late 13th to early 16th centuries.
5 During 1990-1 fieldwalking and trial trenching revealed building rubble, pottery, animal bone and tile indicative of 13th-15th cenutry occupation was discovered.
6 Coins from the 13th to 16th century found at this location: an Edward I halfpenny and penny, another worn silver penny and an Elizabeth I threepence of 1567.
7 A 15th to early 16th century iron horseshoe found at this location.
8 Illustration of 7.
9 A bronze harness(?) ring, possibly Medieval, found at this location.
10 A Medieval bronze strapend hook of the 14th to 15th century found at this location.

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