Roman Road running from Witherley Road, Mancetter
A Roman Road is visible as a crop mark on aerial photographs. It's existance was proved during excavations. It is situated 50m south of Witherley Road.
1 A possible trackway shows on aerial photographs as a parch mark forming ditch.
2 The track fades out to the N and its relationship to ridge and furrow in the N of the field is uncertain.
3 A path is shown at this point.
4 It seems just possible that this is the site of a Roman road.
5 1970: A side-road leading from Watling Street near Witherley was traced for a short distance, but appeared not to continue towards the River Anker. Three successive road surfaces had widths of c6.1m, 2.4m and 7.9m respectively.
6 1971: Excavation revealed the junction between the service road sectioned in 1970 and another contemporary road, apparently running between Watling Street and the River Anker. Features were found to pre- and post-date the roads.
7 1977: The N-S road was investigated further. This road had two surfaces. The first surface was not earlier than the 3rd century.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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