Remains of Medieval Hospital of St John, Warwick

Description of this historic site

The remains of a Medieval chapel associated with the Medieval Hospital of St John. The site is now in use as a museum.

Notes about this historic site

1 At the E entrance to town, the Hospital of St John the Baptist. It was founded by Henry, Earl of Warwick, in the time of Henry II (1154-89), for the double purpose of giving lodgement and refreshment to poor wayfarers and for the more permanent help of the local poor and infirm. The hospital is recorded in 1269 and on a number of later occasions. A survey of 1546 records details of the Hospital. It appears that the chapel was still standing and was of some size.
2 The E or service wall of St John’s House is of stone ashlar and may incorporate walls from the Medieval hospital. A building shown by Hollar as a chapel is in approximately this position.
3 A historical background of St. John’s is detailed in this study.
4 After dissolution of the monasteries (1537-8) the possessions of the hospital were granted by Henry VIII to Anthony Stoughton.
According to Speed’s map, elements of the medieval building were still standing in 1610.
Documentary evidence shows that the hospital buildings included: houses, a chapel, barns, stables, a dovecote and a tan house. There was also a gatehouse.
The chapel became a barn before being destroyed circa 1570.
5 Disarticulated human remains were recorded from the northern area of an observation, potentially the mixed grave fills from the cemetery assoicated with the medieval hospital.

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