Brewhouse West of Caesar's Tower, Warwick Castle
Description of this historic site
Building, excavation and documentary evidence show that there was once a Medieval period brewhouse west of Caesar's Tower at Warwick Castle.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Excavation carried out attempting to recover the brewhouse indicated on the Smythson plan c.1600 failed to find displayable masonry, but demonstrated the depth of archaeology in the courtyard. It is possible that the remains of the original rampart were located over the remains of an earlier building. This is the first evidence of structures predating the surviving 14th century domestic range. The demolition rubble of the brewhouse has shown the character of its roof and the structure of the ovens within, although it does not help in deciding whether they were malting kilns or bread ovens.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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