Site of Roman Settlement to N of Caves Inn Farm

Description of this historic site

The site of a Roman settlement. The settlement may include a cemetery. A burial was found during an excavation. The boundary of the north west corner of the settlement is marked by a bank visible as an earthwork. The site is located 1km south west of Shawell.

Notes about this historic site

1 A little close adjoining the farmhouse on the N, and containing about 1.25 ha, the surface of which is very irregular, excavations for gravel having been made intermittently over the last 50 years. These have uncovered vast quantities of Roman pottery, a brooch, a stylus, window glass, a bone counter, a spindle whorl, three coins and a quern. A stone-lined well-shaped cist was also found. Between one third and one fourth of the close has been quarried.
2 Some pottery and animal bone was found in the face of a small quarry in the close. 1939: A trial trench was dug on the W of the pit. This was 1.8m long and indicated that the Roman levels were disturbed. Surrounding the pit on two sides within the close is what might have been the remains of a rectangular encampment consisting of a bank about 0.6m high with no ditch to either side. In a mound nearby human remains were found.
4 The field N of Caves Inn Farm contains what is apparently the NW angle of the Roman ‘station’. The remainder of the field has been disturbed by gravel digging. Scheduled as Warwickshire Monument No 197.
5 Scheduling information.
6 Archaeological evaluation (EWA7311) adjacent to and within the Scheduled area of Tripontium Roman Station demonstrated that post-medieval gravel quarrying was extensive across the whole area of the evaluation. Small areas of natural sand and gravel had survived, however, no earlier archaeological remains were present. A quantity of redeposited Roman finds, including pottery, tile and a fragment of quern stone were retrieved, perhaps derived from Roman deposits that had been destroyed by the quarrying.

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