Settlement discovered during excavation probably dating to the Late Iron Age
Description of this historic site
An archaeological excavation partially uncovered several features dating to the later Iron Age and Romano-British Period. They included a double ditched enclosure, a rectangular enclosure and storage pits. The site is located 500m north east of Snowford Bridge.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Complex double rectangular enclosure. Storage pits predating the outer boundary were found. Due to the size of the feature only the 5m easement for the pipeline was excavated.
2 Double ditched enclosure and pig group probably dating to the later Iron Age. Despite the lack of excavation on this site it is reasonable to suppose from the available evidence that the area enclosed within the ditch sequence was that of a domestic settlement.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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