Shrunken Settlement at Walcote
The site of a shrunken village at Walcote of Medieval to Imperial date. The tithe award map of 1849 shows buildings that no longer exist. They were situated in the area of Lower Green.
1 On the Tithe Award Map of 1849, there were two houses and eleven cottages in Walcote. Most of these have now disappeared and there are now only three occupied houses. Garden plots may indicate earlier desertions, but the general picture is of later houses built on Medieval sites, the whole hamlet spaced around a large green at SP5068. There are signs of ?Post Medieval ridge and furrow on the green. In field 125 the ridge and furrow terminates at a headland and the rest of the field shows earthworks of earlier occupation. The house in field 119 has disappeared, but stone and brick mounds show where it used to be. This field, and field 120, contain a number of bumps which may have been houses.
2 Plan.
3 The area of this settlement was considerably altered to reflect HER lidar layer. It was increased in size to the north and south and substantially decreased to the east, which was just ridge and furrow. The are includes tofts (house sites) and crofts (attached plots). The crofts contain much ridge and furrow which fossilises their shape.
4 See MWA5362 for associated ridge and furrow.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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