Princethorpe Woodlands Living Landscape Project

The Princethorpe Woodlands Living Landscape Project aims to restore an ancient wooded landscape connected by hedgerows, grasslands, trees and ponds, full of historical sites, to one rich in wildlife and accessible to all.

By working with local partners, landowners and communities the project will:

  • Restore and enhance the natural and historical heritage of the landscape, improving habitats and increasing connectivity for wildlife and conserving historical sites
  • Improve physical access to heritage sites
  • Improve access to information about the area
  • Provide learning and training opportunities
  • Engage local people in a range of events and activities, designed to reconnect them with their local living landscape, green spaces and heritage sites.

By taking a landscape scale approach to restoration and conservation and by engaging local communities, the project will create a sense of ownership and understanding that will ensure the continuity of the Princethorpe Woodlands Living Landscape.

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