Stocks to NE of Ufton Church
E. Wilson
E. Wilson
Warwickshire County Council
Description of this historic site
The village stocks in which an offender's wrists and/or ankles were held as a punishment. They probably date to the Medieval or Post Medieval period, and are situated behind the north wall of St Michael's Church, Ufton.
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Notes about this historic site
1 To the NE of the church just behind the church wall are some repaired ancient stocks.
2 Village stocks.
3 Partially hidden by undergrowth, but in good condition.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
In Shakespeare’s Land by C.J.Ribton Turner (published in 1893) it States “at the North East corner of the churchyard are the old stocks used for the first and last time about 1850”
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