Site of Stocks, Smalley Place, Kenilworth
The site of stocks, in which an offender's wrists and/or ankles were held as a punishment. These stocks, which dated to the Imperial period were earlier sited in Bridge Street. This site was in Smalley Place in front of the Police Station.
1 When the stocks were removed from Bridge Street, they were placed in Borrowell Lane, opposite the pound. This was apparently for two reasons: the large increase in traffic in the former place and the proximity of the new site to a school (where apparently the children could be relied on to mete out fair punishment). No dates are known for the move etc but we do know that they were eventually removed from here by the road surveyor)and a local man could remember (sometime in the 20’s) repairing a wagon that had previously been repaired with part of these stocks.
2 The site now is in front of the Police Station.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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