Site of Anglo Saxon Cemetery 400m S of Priory Farm
Various finds from this area, including brooches and pottery, suggest that this might be the site of an Anglo Saxon cemetery dating to the Migration or Early Medieval periods. The site lies 500m south of Princethorpe.
1 Bloxam records Roman (PRN 3106) and Anglo Saxon finds from Princethorpe. The Anglo Saxon finds include a large bronze brooch and an iron chisel.
3 A number of these finds are now in Warwick Museum.
5 c1848: A bronze cruciform brooch, an iron spearhead with a split socket, an iron ‘chisel’, and a nail, were found with a fragment of ?Romano British pottery at ‘the site of a Roman station’. c1876: A square-headed brooch was found at the same place. Burgess says that Anglo Saxon urns were also found. In Warwick Museum labelled as from Princethorpe is a fine horse-headed bronze cruciform brooch, and an iron ?punch.
6 Correspondance in FI File 3106 talks about a “chape from the Bloxham Collection”. Leslie Webster, in a letter to Dr Ian Stead, confirms the identification of the chape as Anglo-Saxon, on grounds of both form and decoration. She suggests it is a 6th century piece. She concludes “There is a perfectly respectable 6th century Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Princethorpe, from which it presumably derives.” Letter also attached from Dr Graham Webster to HMM.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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