Romano British features at Gas House Lane
The remains of Roman settlement were found during archaeological work in Gas House Lane, Alcester. Evidence of timber buildings, including pits and post holes, was found. Finds from the site included Roman jewellery and coins.
1 Evaluation carried out during Jan-Mar 1988. 5 trenches excavated by hand to a depth of 1.5-2m with trenches 2 & 4 fully emptied of archaeological deposits. In trench 1 RB deposits were 1.02m thick consisting of a complicated sequence of pits and postholes showing the area to have been intensively used, most likely for domestic purposes. The pits may have been used for disposal or storage of food, one containing a virtually intact 4th century standing pot, while the postholes prove the existence of timber buildings. In trench 2 many finds were recovered including jewellery, woven textile and a dozen 4th century coins. Trench 3 produced pits, traces of stone and gravel paving. The quantity of stone may indicate stone buildings nearby, whilst the pottery suggests a date of 2nd – 4th century. The theory that the NW of the site was occupied by town houses and other domestic settlement was reinforced by the excavation.
2 Archaeological work on the Gas House Lane site took place in three phases: evaluation (1988, see 1); excavation (1989); and observation (1990). After the 1988 work, development plans were modified to preserve the best deposits; the later phases of archaeological work therefore dealt with the less well preserved deposits. Occupation of the site appears to have commenced in the early 3rd century with the laying down of a layer of gravel make up (the south part of the site was previously marshy). A series of structures on at least two separate plots was recovered archaeologically, representing an expansion of settlement in this direction. The buildings straddled the early defensive line; the expanded 4th century defensive line was revealed at the southern edge of the site.
3 Original plant remains laboratory report from Engligh Heritage in FI file.
4 Original slag remains laboratory report from English Heritage in FI file.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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