Flint scatter from the site of the bailey of Boteler's Castle.
Flintwork from the outer enclosure of Boteler's Castle. It was mostly residual or from topsoil contexts.
1 The 1993 excavations produced 24 worked flint fragments, eight from one of the early Bronze Age features, the rest residual or from topsoil contexts. Further groups of 22 fragments from the 1989 fieldwalking over the outer enclosure, and three from the 1992 Oversley Mill evaluation trenches were also examined. The material included three arrowheads, five scrapers, three cores, seven blades (two retouched) and thirty one flakes (one retouched). The assemblage was too small for detailed analysis, and with the exception of the eight flakes from the Bronze Age feature, were all residual or from topsoil locations. Some of the flakes are of Neolithic date, but some could be later. An olive horseshoe scraper would certainly have been imported.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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