Possible Deserted Medieval Settlement at Glebe Farm

Description of this historic site

The site of a Medieval deserted settlement. The remains of house platforms and a hollow way are visible as earthworks. An excavation of part of the site uncovered the evidence for timber buildings. The site is located 400m south east of the church in Long Itchington.

Notes about this historic site

1 The Home Close of Glebe Farm shows features which may be Medieval. A hollow way runs down the hill, from a large platform to the Cuttle Brook. The platform indicates that Glebe Farm was once a very much larger complex of buildings. A sunken hollow may once have been a fishpond, but is now being filled in with builders’ rubbish. Other lanes are visible.
2 Plan.
3 The brook was scoured and land drains laid in the field in Autumn 1977. The land drains missed most of the dominant features, but building stone was brought to the surface near Glebe Farmhouse. No pottery was observed.
4 Here the earthworks are rather poor, and seem to represent the contraction of Glebe Farm from a courtyard type farm to its present form, and also the desertion of at least five crofts, representing the loss of at least twenty people.
5 Part of this site was evaluated (WA 5747) in 1992. The extensive Medieval settlement comprised wooden buildings with rough rubble surfaces dating to the 12th and 13th centuries.

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