Post Medieval Deserted Settlement at Bascote

Description of this historic site

The site of a deserted settlement dating to the Post Medieval period which is visible as an earthwork, most notable is the hollow way which runs through the site. Pottery has been found dating from the Medieval through to the Imperial period. It is located at Bascote.

Notes about this historic site

1 Spoken of by Dugdale as ‘reduced’, but in 1730 there were thirteen houses.
2 The extent of shrinkage is unclear, the main depopulation being in a field called ‘The Green’, with further evidence of depopulation coming from the field S of Manor Farm. Despite ‘The Green’ having been ploughed for about eight years it is still possible to trace over a dozen earthworks. The majority are situated on a slope E of the main hollow way, with those in the extreme SE corner being unploughed. The site has produced fairly large amounts of roofing tile, brick, building stone and pottery as well as two pieces of metalwork. The pottery ranges from 12th to 18th century. This probably gives a reasonable indication of the length of occupation. The tile may be Medieval or Post Medieval and there is local white lias building stone.

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