Part of Romano-British Settlement, 102, Tiddington Road

Description of this historic site

Excavation work in a garden in the Tiddington Road uncovered evidence of Roman occupation, including the remains of a road and some Samian ware.

Notes about this historic site

1 In 1937 F C Wellstood excavated the front and back gardens of a house in Tiddington Road, producing large quantities of material although no records survive.
2 When contractors were excavating foundations for a house in Tiddington Road, they found Roman pottery of the 3rd and 4th centuries. F.C. Wellstood excavated the site before the garden was laid out. The Roman level was reached 18″ below the surface. A pavement or paved road was found, the stone of which were well and evenly laid. The house adjoins the Stratford Golf Course and is within 50 yards of where Wellstood was digging 10 years ago.
3 The excavation was at a house in Tiddington Road, not yet published
4 This entry refers to a house in Tiddington Road.
5 3 sherds of Samian pottery recovered during watching brief for a conservatory.

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