Mill Mound 100m NW of W End of Hillmorton High St
The site of a windmill mound, a mound on which a windmill stood. It might date back to the Medieval period. The windmill mound is visible as an earthwork. It is situated to the south of Hillmorton Recreation Ground.
1 This has always been assumed to have been a round barrow. It is about 24m in diameter and 2.3m high. It is rounded at the top and similar in appearance to other round barrows. The field is, however, known as Mill-field. The mound was excavated in 1928 by cutting a trench through the mound. At a depth of 0.6m the decayed bones of a large animal (a horse ?) were found together with Medieval pottery. Continuing the excavation sherds of Medieval pottery, some probably 14th century, were found at the base of the mound lying on the original surface which could faintly be seen. Therefore this is presumably a windmill mound. The horse burial probably disturbed the original flat top. The fragments of pottery have been deposited with the Birmingham Archaeological Society.
3 Site of a windmill.
5 Grass-covered saucer-shaped mound c24m in diameter and 1.6m high on edge of playing field. Small area on top concreted and park bench set in.
6 The bench has now been removed.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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