Area of shrunken settlement, E of Priors Marston
Description of this historic site
A series of earthworks visible on satellite imagery; these features are potentially related to the former extent of medieval settlement at Priors Marston.
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Notes about this historic site
12 A series of possible earthworks were identified, from Google Earth satellite imagery, by the AOC Assessment of Local Services Villages for Stratford-on-Avon District Council in 2012.
34 A series of possible earthworks are evident across this area on LiDAR. Whilst some of them clearly represent house platforms and possible hollow ways, there has been quite extensive disturbance in this area associated with its post-medieval use as a brickworks. Boundary mapped to reflect area between medieval settlement and ridge and furrow rather than that originally mapped in 1.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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