Hall's Croft grounds

Description of this historic site

The garden at Hall's Croft. The layout probably dates to the early 20th century. It is situated in Old Town, Stratford upon Avon, and includes a mature mulberry tree possibly linked to the garden belonging to Shakespeare at New Place.

Notes about this historic site

1 Layout probably early 20th century. Herbaceous borders flanking path, seasonal planting, mature mulberry tree possibly related to the lost specimen belonging to Shakespeare at New Place. Recommended for inclusion on Local List.
2 Archaeological observation at the rear of Hall’s Croft recorded a small rubbish pit which contained 16th-18th century pottery. The pit fill contained 10 sherds of Midlands Yellow pottery, dating to between AD1550-1720 and probably from a mug or jug. In addition there was a coarseware vessel handle with a reddish brown slip finish, probably 18th-century in date.The pit also contained animal bones, including pig teeth, cattle long bone fragments, some with clear butchery marks, and a fish vertebra.
3 Geophysical survey was undertaken at Hall’s Croft. A concentration of high resistance anomalies within the western part of the survey area is indicative of structural remains or compacted earth.

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