Upper Tysoe Medieval Settlement
The possible extent of the Medieval settlement of Upper Tysoe which is suggested by documentary evidence.
1 The possible extent of the medieval settlement, based on the first edition OS 6″ map of 1886, 54NE.
2 The ridge and furrow plotting of the parish.
3 Domesday lists Tysoe. The Phillimore edition has a grid reference of 33,44, (which corresponds with the northern end of Upper Tysoe), but it presumably refers to Tysoe as a whole.
Ref 22,4 (Land of Robert of Stafford) Tysoe. 23 hides. Land for 32 ploughs. In lordship 11; 9 slaves. 53 villagers with a priest and 28 smallholders have 23 ploughs. Meadow 16 acres; in Warwick 3 houses which pay 18d. The value was £20; now £30.
4 The first edition map shows a compact settlement with back lanes. Lots of empty areas suggest shrinkage. The stream on the southern side forms a natural boundary; otherwise the edges of the village are marked by lanes and a discontinous hedge. Ridge and furrow survival surrounds the settlement.
5 In 1334 Subsidy valued at £131. Market (Charter) Wed; gr 13 May 1341, by K Edw III to Ralph de Stafford, steward of the kings household. To be held at the manor. Fair (Charter) vf+2, Peters Chains (1 Aug); gr 13 May 1341, by K Edw III to Ralph de Stafford, steward of the kings household. To be held at the manor (location uncertain).
6 Portable Antiquities Scheme find provenance information:
Date found: 2004-01-01T00:00:00Z
Methods of discovery: Fieldwalking
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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