Site of market at Coleshill

Description of this historic site

Site of market at Coleshill between the High Street and the Parish church, outside the west door. Area of market now infilled.

Notes about this historic site

1 Site of market at Coleshill.
In 1207, Osbert II de Clinton obtained a royal charter for a weekly market in his manor of Coleshill on a Sunday (and also a charter for an annual fair on the eve and festival of St. Peter and St. Paul) . It is likely that a market already existed before the grant. It has been suggested that there was a close correlation between the earliest markets and the Hundred Court, and that such markets often met on Sundays. The royal vill and minster church would have attracted people and acted as a catalyst for a market.
The market place was likely a large roughtly rectangular area outside the west door of the Parish church, between the church and the High Street and the Parish church.
The market place seems to have been infilled. Six surviving charters from between 1329 and 1337 relate to three separate building plots of different sizes in the market place. Eventually the only remnant of the market was Church Hill (street) where a market hall stood until 1865.

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