The Museum Building, The Butts, Warwick, Warwickshire
Description of this historic site
Building constructed in 3 phases with several refurbishments. <1> stable 1711 - 1788. <2> soon after 1905. <3> soon after 1930 when 3 units also consolidated.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Building constructed in 3 phases with several refurbishments. (1) Unit A constructed sometime between 1711 and 1788 to rear of 18 Northgate Street, originally as stone and brick stable but with cellar and sub-cellar (2) Unit B constructed soon after 1905 veterinary stables to the rear of 20 Northgate Street (3) Unit C constructed soon after 1930. All 3 units consolidated into one building
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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