Shrunken Medieval Settlement to W of Northend
The remains of a settlement to the west of Northend are visible as earthworks. They may be the remains of the Medieval shrunken village.
2 Earthworks of shrunken Medieval settlement to the W of Dassett Northend show on aerial photographs.
3 A watching brief was to be carried out during the excavation of foundation trenches for the development to the Old Blacksmiths Shop, Northend. Unfortunately the S & W trenches had already been backfilled with concrete prior to inspection by Warwickshire Museum. The only datable evidence from this side of the development was a single sherd of 15th century Medieval pottery, which was recovered from the builders skip. The N & E foundation trenches produced a possible domestic waste pit within which was a substantial amount of 18th/19th century domestic debris which included datable pottery sherds. Also found was a stone grinding wheel, possibly belonging to the 19th century blacksmiths shop. From the results of the watching brief it is impossible to say whether archaeology from the shrunken medieval village has survived in this area of Northend.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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