Hillmorton Shrunken Medieval Settlement

Description of this historic site

The site of the Medieval/Post Medieval shrunken village of Hillmorton. The remains of the village are visible as earthworks, which are situated 100m north of the church.

Notes about this historic site

1 The scene of an anti-enclosure rising in 1607 and landowners were prosecuted in the Star Chamber for enclosure here. It is probable that at this time the portion of Hillmorton nearest the church, now very small, was depopulated. In 1608 the village was still under open field cultivation.
2 Small area of earthworks indicative of shrinkage located in the field immediately N of the church centred at the above grid reference.
3 A watching brief (August 1996) during the laying of a new electricity cable at St John the Baptist Church (WA 3370) did not identify any significant archaeological finds or features.
4 Market Charter granted for Saturdays 15 Jan 1265 by Henry III to Thomas de Estleg. To be held at Manor. Wednesday Market charter granted 1268 as above. Tuesday Market Charter granted 1334 by Edward III to Thomas de Estleg. To be held at manor. Fair charter vigil feast morrow for Nativity of John the Baptist (24th Jun) granted 15 Jan 1265 by Henry III to Thomas Estleg, granted again 29 March 1268.

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