Probable Roman settlement N of Hampton Lucy

Plan of a possible Roman settlment, Hampton Lucy | Warwickshire County Council
Plan of a possible Roman settlment, Hampton Lucy
Warwickshire County Council
Description of this historic site

The site of a possible settlement dating to the Roman period known from enclosures, linear features and a possible trackway. The features are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. The site is located 700m north west of Hampton Lucy church.

Notes about this historic site

1 Large conjoined rectangular enclosures extending into at least three modern fields with traces of smaller features and a drove road (?).
2 Various Aerial Photographs
3 Undated, but on morphological grounds is probably Romano British.
4 OS card.
5 A Causewayed Enclosure is reported from this site, on the basis of a CUC air photograph (ZV 085) (Warwick AP SP2557/AN). However Palmer correctly interprets the features on this print as the results of agricultural operations.

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