Moat at North Wood
A moat, a wide ditch usually surrounding a building. This moat is Medieval in date and is visible as an earthwork. It is situated 300m to the south east of Middleton Farm.
1 A double moat with a S annex and pond-cum-outlet on the E. On the SW of the N island, undateable building debris can be seen amongst the undergrowth. A waterfilled, rectangular, steep-sided double homestead moat, measuring overall 93m N-S by 63 to 75m E-W. The island is subdivided into two equal halves by a waterfilled arm linking the E and W sides. The arms average 12m in width and 2m deep. There are retaining banks on the E and S sides, 7 to 10m in width, externally up to 1.3m in height. From the SW corner the W arm extends S for a further 50m and turns E into a fishpond 20m in length, which probably contains fresh water springs. There is an outlet to a stream from the NE corner of the moat. The moat is in good condition. It lies within a copse on level ground.
2 Research Group card.
3 Scheduling information 1995.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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