Mill Mound 300m NW of Claverdon Station

Mill Mound 300m NW of Claverdon Station | Image courtesy of William Arnold.
Claverdon's Mill Mound
Image courtesy of William Arnold.
Description of this historic site

A windmill mound, still visible as an earthwork, which was the base for a windmill during the Post Medieval period. Some 18th century maps show a windmill at this location, 300m north west of Claverdon Station.

Notes about this historic site

1 Maps of 1722-5 and 1793 show a windmill in approximately this location. An artificial mound, with an average height of 2.0m and an average diameter of 30m was located and surveyed. It is on top of a minor rise in the ground and is tree-covered. No trace was found of a windmill.
2 The mound is as described above.

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