Falcon Commercial Hotel, 1 - 3 Chapel Street, Stratford upon Avon

Description of this historic site

Historic inn now an hotel situated on the west side of Chapel street at the junction with Scholars lane.

Notes about this historic site

1 2 Falcon Commercial hotel, 1-3 Chapel street, Stratford upon Avon
Historic inn now hotel recorded in F White & Co.’s and Pigot’s databases. The latter gives a date of 1828.
Situated on the west side of Chapel street at the junction with Scholars Lane in the medieval part of the town.
Listed building record (DWA4101) gives a date of the inn from 1655 – 1651.

3 The History of the County of Warwickshire records that the Falcon was an inn in 1646.

Note: OS maps 1:2500 the building is noted as: 1st ed. Tavern, 2nd and 3rd ed. Public house and 4th ed. Hotel.

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