Excavation of Romano-British Features at Mancetter Farm

Description of this historic site

Excavation within the Mancetter Fort revealed the remains of a Roman ditch and buildings that may have been Roman barracks. The site was situated west of Quarry Lane, Mancetter.

Notes about this historic site

1 1981. Landscaping of the farmyard at Mancetter Farm was preceded by a two-stage excavation. i: A trial area 10m by 10m was excavated to check the survival of Romano British features. ii: A further extension was excavated later. Preservation of Romano British features was generally good, although there was some disturbance. The Romano British features are provisionally of 1st century date and include two parallel military style ditches, foundation slots for three or more buildings, one of which is an end to a barrack block with a urinal-type latrine, a cauldron-type structure made of local diorite stone and several pits containing dating material. Finds included lorica segmentata and bronze fittings, beads, Samian (c. 40-60AD) and raw pigment. Also a Dobunnic coin (PRN 5137).
2 Noted.
3 Plan.
4 Correspondence.
5 Three ditches, probably of more than one phase, were excavated on the west side of the fort (WA 3497). The outer ditch contained Samian ware c. 45-65AD.
6 Noted; timber buildings cut by military type ditches.

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