Medieval Features found at 6/7 Tiddington Road

Description of this historic site

A Medieval ditch or plough furrow was discovered during archaeological work in Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon. Medieval pottery was also recovered from the site.

Notes about this historic site

1 An evaluation here in June 1992 revealed evidence of activity from the Roman period to the 13th century. 10 trenches were excavated. 12th/13th century pottery were recovered from trench 1. A dip at the SE end of trench 3 may have been either a deep Medieval plough furrow or a boundary ditch for a field system of uncertain date. Trench 5 revealed a single Medieval post hole. In trench 10 a pit at the northern end of the trench was dated by pottery to the 13th century. In conclusion trenches 1, 10 and possibly 3 produced evidence of some Medieval activity, but this was limited in extent and probably unconnected with settlement.

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