Camp Hill Hall
House and grounds constructed in the 18th century and demolished in 1939. The site lies in Camp Hill close to the present day church.
1 William Craddock (1741-1833) built the small estate of Camp Hill Hall in 18th century, possibly 1780s. In the grounds was a small ornamental pool, now know as Stubbs Pool.
2 Camp Hill Hall, probably built by the Craddock Family. William Craddock died in 1833 and the hall passed through the family. 1866 Arthur C Prettyman owned the hall. 1870s Richard Ramsden owner. 1880s Mr and Mrs Henry Stubbs owners. Henry Stubbs died 27th October 1916, wife continued to live at the hall until she died in 1920s. 17th-19th April 1928 contents offered for sale and after this the house stood empty. Borough Council bought Camp Hill Hall in 1932. Demolished in 1934.
3 1780 John Barber (gas turbine inventor 1725-1801) owned Camp Hill Hall. June 1939 Camp Hill Hall demolished by Jacques.
4 Camp Hill Hall demolished in 1939, only a lodge and an avenue of trees in Camp Hill Drive remain.
5 Camp Hill marked on enclosure map. Owners of land at Camp Hill Henry Aston (no 55 and 59), J and M Ludford (no 58) and W Craddock.
6 Camp Hill and a building (hall looking with wings) marked on 1842 Tithe Map. John Craddock esq. is noted as owning land and estates around and next to Camp Hill.
*Note Copies of photographs in FI file.
7 Foundations of Camp Hill Hall and some of its outbuildings were found in evaluation trenches 1-4. The area that is now nos 6,8 Hornbeam Close and nos 81-91 Tudor Close.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
As far as I am aware the mock Elizabethan building demolished in 1939 was commissioned by John Craddock (William Craddock’s son) in 1838. The building owned by John Barber, during the late 18th century, is believed to be an earlier building on the same site, possibly called Camp Hill House.
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