Windmill at Tainter's Hill, Kenilworth
Description of this historic site
A windmill built during the Imperial period. It was converted to a water tower in 1884, and then to a house in 1974/5. It is sited to the west of Tainter's Hill, Ladyes Hills.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Built 1778. Had four common sails, boat cap and pairs of stones. Driven by steam 1854. Converted to water tower and heightened in 1884 and to a house in 1974-5. Brick tower painted white (now with curved ‘skirt’ to entrance hall) and batter changed to near-cylindrical upper half, raised conical roof. Five-storey. General appearance of a lighthouse.
3 Included in Industrial Monuments Survey.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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