Site of Possible Medieval Watermill 500m W of Abbey, Stoneleigh

Description of this historic site

The possible site of a Medieval watermill is suggested by documentary evidence. No trace of the mill buildings is visible above the ground level but the remains of the sluices can be traced. The site is located 300m north west of Stoneleigh Abbey.

Notes about this historic site

1 Before the Norman invasion there were two mills at Stoneleigh.
2 Two mills are recorded in 1086 and 1291 and references occur to mills in 1367, 1535, and 1546.
3 There is a mill symbol at this point.
4 The river splits at this point and it is still possible to follow the old sluice path, but no other traces of the mill are visible.
5 ‘Dulde Milles’ (1573/5) marked, source uncertain.

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