Site of Medieval Chapel at Walton
Documentary evidence suggests that this is the site of a chapel in use from the Medieval to the Post Medieval period. Fragments of moulded stone which were probably from this chapel were recovered during topsoil stripping. The present church of St Peter occupies the site.
1 Walton Deyville was a chapel of Wellesbourne and is first recorded in the reign of Henry II (1154-89). The high altar was dedicated in 1381, which suggests that it was rebuilt, or enlarged, at this time. Subsequently the chapel appears to become independent of Wellesbourne, until the rectory was united with the vicarage of Wellesbourne in 1633. The chapel seems to have decayed until it was completely rebuilt some time about 1750. The font of the present church was found in the churchyard and may be Norman.
2 Drawing of the chapel c. 1820.
3 Fragments of moulded stone which were likely to have been from the chapel were recovered during topsoil stripping for the base of the new timber storage building.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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