Site of Charlecote DMV (Old Town site)
The site of the Medieval deserted settlement at Charlecote. Remains of the settlement are visible as earthworks which include three house platforms and a hollow way. It is located 150m south east of Charlecote Park House.
1 ‘Old Town’.
2 ‘Deserted Village?’ said to have been explored by one of the Lucys. Medieval pottery found November 1958 by Alan Dyer. NB Lucys had a key and ?skeletons in stone coffins – former is said to be in their museum. Information from A Dyer.
3 The only member of the family now living at Charlecote Park thinks that the excavation took place c1860 when an iron key, buckle and stone coffins were found. The present whereabouts of the finds are unknown. There are no surveyable remains at the indicated site. These could be the remains of the deserted Medieval settlement of Charlecote (PRN 6270).
4 Survey of village earthworks and phosphate levels undertaken by M S Alexander and B K Roberts. Faint earthworks are visible, disturbed by an avenue and post-depopulation levelling and landscaping. Only the roadway, three building foundations at the E extremity of the site and the field name ‘Old Town’ indicate the site. High and medium phosphate values exist over the site of the earthworks.
7 A map of 1736 shows two fields in the area of the earthworks, both called ‘Old Town’. At this time they appear to have been outside the park and this may be the village of Hunscote, although this is uncertain.
8 In 1851, St Leonard’s Church was entirely rebuilt to a large plan. It seems likely that the finds referred to in 3 were identified during this rebuilding.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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