Aspley juxta Wixford Shrunken Medieval Settlement
The site of a deserted settlement, known as Aspley juxta Wixford. The settlement dates from the Medieval to the Post Medieval periods. It is known from documentary evidence and is located 800m south of Wixford.
1 Dugdale records depopulation here. Beighton’s map in Dugdale marks the site to the N of King’s Broom.
2 Aspley, formerly a sub-manor, but depopulated in the 16th century, was situated close to Moor Hall.
3 Site unidentified (U). Period of desertion known but documentary evidence of inferior quantity (1).
4 Remains of pre-15th century masonry and a well were found during gravel digging at approx SP0853.
5 No surface indication of depopulation at this site.
6 No evidence of settlement evident on available aerial photographs in area demarcated by the monument polygon.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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