Romano-British settlement at School Street, Stockton

Description of this historic site

Romano-British settlement indicated by a sequence of four ditches and gullies, a further diagonal gully of the same date, an undated but probable Romano-British small pit or posthole, and pottery finds of Romano-British date.

Notes about this historic site

1 Romano-British settlement indicated by a sequence of four Romano-British ditches and gullies, a further diagonal gully of the same date and an undated but probable Romano-British small pit or posthole. The ditches and gullies probably represent the boundary features of a farming settlement, with the larger ditches possibly forming enclosures surrounding areas of habitation. Pottery finds date from the 1st to the 4th centuries and are too few to reliably indicate phases of activity. Their low density suggests that the nucleus of the settlement was outside the area under development.

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