Excavation of Roman Industrial Features

Description of this historic site

The site of an industrial area which was used for pottery production. Excavations revealed the remains of buildings, pits and a well. The features were Roman in date and were situated 450m north west of Crab Tree Farm, Mancetter.

Notes about this historic site

1 1964: Excavation of two small pits and the remains of a puddling-tank with traces of the timber lining and a water duct leading to it.
2 1969: Excavation of several post holes demonstrated that some of the industrial features were within timber workshops. In addition an area of shale and pebble 6.1m by 4.9m, probably a working-floor, was partly destroyed by ploughing.
3 1970: Three wells located. The working floor held two small rectangular features probably used for storing or puddling clay.
4 1977: A further well containing bones from at least five horses was excavated. This and a ditch dated earlier than a surface of the road (PRN 6242). On the E of the site was a series of boundary-ditches filled in the late 1st century to 2nd century, together with a late 1st/early 2nd century infant cremation with two pots (WA 8036). Two further wells were excavated. The military-type ditch found in 1970 is now not thought to be military although it has a 1st century fill.
5 Plan of excavated features.

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