Probable Clay Pit at Haseley
Description of this historic site
The possible site of a clay pit dating to at least the Imperial period. The site is located 600m south east of Haseley. Field names suggest it might have been a marl pit.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Marked on all but the most recent OS maps, as a scarped depression just north of the road in its own small, wooded enclosure. On frist edition of OS 6″ map as ‘old clay pit’.
2 On the 1841 tithe map an adjoining field is called Marl Pit Close.
3 The site visit discovered that this situation had greatly changed and now the only signs of any quarry were two shallow scarps in the corner of an arable field.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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