Possible Water Mill near Grandborough
Description of this historic site
Documentary evidence suggests that there was a watermill in the area of Grandborough in the Medieval period. A sluice is marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1884, but any traces of a mill have now gone.
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Notes about this historic site
Possible watermill in vicinity of Grandborough.
1 A deed of 1280 mentions two watermills, Cuttole and Baggole in Grandborough Parish.
2 One of these was probably Grandborough Mill (WA 3018).
3 There is a sluice shown at SP48536570 on an OS map of 1884.
4 This is now dried up and there are no traces to indicate a definite siting of a mill.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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