Possible Roman linear cropmark
Description of this historic site
A cropmark complex of linear features, pits and possible circular gullies are visible on aerial photographs. Fieldwalking located some Iron Age and Roman material. The site is situated 400m north west of Shotteswell.
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Notes about this historic site
2 Crop mark complex including enclosure, pits and possible penannular gullies shows on aerial photographs.
3 No obvious concentrations of material were made during examination of the site. However, field walking conditions were not good and the absence of material may not be significant.
4 A quantity of pottery, mainly Roman but with some Iron Age, and a coin of Constantine have been recovered from this site.
5 Dating revised to the Iron Age and Romano British periods.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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