Medieval remains in Castle Park

Description of this historic site

An archaeological excavation in Castle Park revealed evidence of a settlement dating to the Medieval period. Plot boundaries, post holes and three stone lined pits were discovered. Medieval pottery and a leather knife scabbard were among the finds recovered.

Notes about this historic site

1 During archaeological observation of a new sewage pipe in 1997 (WA 8249) a scatter of 13th-14th century pottery was recovered in Castle Park. Subsequent excavation revealed unexpectedly well-preserved remains of Medieval occupation, including plot boundaries, pits and postholes. Three stone lined pits – a well and two cess pits – contained abundant organic remains. A large collection of finds was assembled, including an important group of 13th-14th century pottery and an unusual decorated 14th century leather knife scabbard, together with fragments of dressed sandstone and of iron.
2 The excavated features were partly visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs before excavation, forming part of a complex of cropmarks east of the old Banbury Road (WA 4615).
3 Four further medieval items ( a buckle, two fittings and a fragment of a lead seal) were retrieved from the filled in sewer trench. Method of recovery unrecorded.

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