Possible Deserted Med Settlement at Great Packington

Description of this historic site

An enclosure, linear features and a trackway are visible on aerial photographs. These, together with the isolated church, suggest a Medieval deserted settlement. The site is 200m north of St James's Church, Great Packington.

Notes about this historic site

1 Great Packington has no village at all, the church stands by itself in the park. Army occupation has obscured the site. There are signs of buildings near to the Old Hall at SP2384.
3 Enclosures, trackway and linear features show on aerial photographs, associated with a moat (PRN 4716) and just to the NE of the church. This may represent a village street with a number of house platforms alongside it.
4 Poor archaeology (C), excellent evidence for the village’s former existence, but period of desertion uncertain (2).

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