Sealt Stret (Early Med saltway)
The site of a road known as a saltway. It dated to the Early Medieval period and is known from documentary evidence to be called Sealt Stret. It would have run from Droitwich, but this section has been traced running between Bishopton and Salford.
1 A hedgerow assessment was carried out in advance of road improvements. Historical section of report traces history of and documentary evidence for the lane at this point, and suggests identifiable as early as 1016 as part of the sealt stret, distributing salt from Droitwich across the Midlands.
2 A major saltway followed the north side of the Avon Valley. Fragments of this route have been identified from charter evidence. The route, later known as the Warwick Way, is referred to in a Bishopton charter of AD 1016 as Sealt Stret, and has been identified with Bishopton Lane at this point. The route has been traced for most of its length between Bishopton and Salford.
3 Maps illustrating course of saltway between Bishopton and Salford, showing which parts of the route are most securely identified.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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