Medieval Bridge, Binton Bridges
Description of this historic site
Binton Bridges, the remains of a Medieval bridge. Remains of the Medieval masonry are visible within the later bridge by which it was succeeded. The bridge is situated on Binton Road.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Binton Bridge is at a point where the River Avon forms two small islands. There has been a bridge here since the C13. Until about 1780 the bridges were only wide enough for horse and foot traffic and extended only to the S island, the passage to the Welford side being continued through a ford. Most of the stonework of the present bridge is 17th century or later (PRN 5425), though on the E side there is some earlier masonry and possibly traces of two cutwaters, belonging no doubt to the packhorse bridge that preceded it.
2 Listing description.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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