Site of a Possible Roman Villa 100m E of the Barn House

Description of this historic site

The site of a possible Roman villa which is suggested by finds including coins and building material such as roof tile. It is located 200m west of Weston on Avon.

Notes about this historic site

1 A Romano British site. A coin of Theodosius was found here in 1958.
2 Bronze figure of a boar from Welford.
3 Weston on Avon. Small bronze boar and Constantinian coins.
4 Reference 3 also records pottery and a coin of Domitian which are known to have come from another site (see PRN 1299). It is possible from reference 2 that the boar and Constantinian coins came from this site.
5 Scatter of Romano British pottery, a coin, and a piece of worked stone.
6 Samian with stamp (c80 AD), orange, grey wares, mortaria, coin, iron slag.
7 Finds made in 1958 include large quantities of pot, roof and flue tile, a coin and several grey tesserae.
8 A ditch or natural hollow was sectioned to the N of the site in 1958 in a pipe trench and produced 2nd and 4th century material.
9 Find made with a metal detector n 1987: An unidentified Roman coin.
10 Finds made with a metal detector in 1987: three coins of the 3rd to 4th century.
11 Finds made with a metal detector in 1988 t SP154519 approx. A Roman pin head and 22 coins of the 3rd and 4th centuries.
12 Illustration of Roman pin head.
13 Finds made using a metal detector in 1988: Coins of the 1st, 3rd and 4th century.
14 Only a thin scatter of pottery was evident on the surface of the field. A stone saddle quern was also found.
15 Correspondence from Prof. Shotton about the site.
16 Drawing of stonework.
17 Correspondence from 1986.
18 Portable Antiquities Scheme find provenance information:
Date found: 2000-08-31T23:00:00Z
Date found (2): 2001-02-01T00:00:00Z
Methods of discovery: Metal detector
Date found: 2004-01-01T00:00:00Z
Methods of discovery: Chance find during metal detecting

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